Sunday, November 6, 2016


Thank you all, girls and boys, for everything: for your songs, for your cards, for your decortions, ... Without you Christmas is not possible at school

6th level Christmas cards

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We had a real spooky Halloween. 
The corridor became a horror tunnel and the English classroom became a haunted house with a cemetery included. Horrifying, terrible, scary, spooky, spine chilling, ...
Students from 1st to 6th year visited our tunnel and the haunted house full of terrible creatures. They were very brave and survived. 
On Thursday 27th, students from 4th to 6th level took part in Halloween games. 
We have to thank 6th grade students. They collaborated with the corridor and the English class decorations.  They also dressed up and become terrible creatures (even more terrible than every day). Without their help, it could not have been possible. 1st, 2nd and 5th year students also contributed to the decorations. Finally, many thanks to Laura, our American conversation assistant, who told us about Halloween in her country and helped us with the games.
Here you are the spooky photos. If you suffer from a heart disease, don't watch them . They are really frightening.

The tunnel and the haunted house. 

The games

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Welcome messages


It’s difficult to start again, but it’s also exciting:  meeting your mates and teachers, lots of new things to learn, new projects, Halloween around the corner, …

I hope you had great holidays. I did. I’m sending you this postcard to introduce myself and tell you about my holidays. Yes, you have a new English teacher. I’m sure we are going to learn lots of things together. 


És difícil començar de nou, però a la vegada és emocionant: retrobar-se amb els companys i les mestres, moltes coses noves per aprendres, nous projectes, Halloween ben a prop,...

Espero que hagueu tingut bones vacances. Jo si. Us envio aquesta postal per a presentar-me i explicar-vos les meves vacances. Si, teniu nova mestra d'anglès. Estic segura de que aprendrem tots junts un munt de coses noves. 

Hello children at P3, P4 and P5.

This is Mr Gorilla, the English class mascot. He’s back from holidays and is going to help you to learn English…

Hola nens i nenes de P3, P4 i P5

Aquest és en Mr Gorilla, la nova mascota de la classe d’anglès. Just torna de les vacances i us ajudarà a aprendre anglès.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016


DEADLINE: 1st of March

Hi everybody!
Year 2 girls and boys are working on JOBS. So, we need parent's help in order to do a little project.
Information required (look for the information in catalan):
- Name of mummy or daddy's job.
- Information (Where do you work? What do you do? Weird facts)
- Photo or picture

Thank you!

Hola a tothom!
Els nens i nenes de segon estan aprenent sobre les feines en la classe d'anglès. Així que necessitem de l'ajuda dels pares i les mares per fer un petit projecte.
Què informació necessitem?
-El nom de la feina del pare o de la mare.
-Informació sobre on treballen, què fan i alguna dada sobre la feina que sigui interessant.
-Una foto o un dibuix del pare o de la mare treballant. 
Data límit: 1 de Març

Friday, February 5, 2016


Year 5 students did their best in the Local Stage. I am extremely pleased with their effort. CONGRATULATIONS!

The one who has got the highest mark is... 




Closely followed by...




The next 27th of February, Álex will face the next stage in Barcelona with students from other schools!
Cross your fingers!

Els nens i nenes de Cinquè s'han esforçat molt en la Fase Local. Estic molt contenta!

I l'alumne que ha fet la millor prova ha estat... 




Seguit de ben prop per...




El pròxim 27 de Febrer, l'Álex farà la següent prova a Barcelona amb nens i nenes d'altres escoles!
Creuem els dits!

Wednesday, February 3, 2016


Better late than never! The new season of WAKE UP WITH... is ready for you. Enjoy with Year 6 students!

Millor tard que mai! La nova temporada del programa televisiu WAKE UP WITH... ja està aquí! Gaudiu d'una bona estona amb la classe de Sisè!

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

FONIX 2016

Year 5 students are going to participate in the FONIX GAMES.
It is a fun competition designed to promote the use of English among school students.
The tasks in all the stages of the competition will consist of writing tasks, each based on a different theme (for example: geography, history or music) The written tasks contain a variety of activities on vocabulary, reading and writing throughout three stages:
  • LOCAL STAGE: Students do a test in class.
  • TERRITORIAL STAGE: Each school chooses one student who will do a test within his/her area (Barcelona, Tarragona, Lleida and Girona).
  • FINAL STAGE: The winners of each area will do the final test.

FIRST OF ALL, Year 5 students will do a test in class. I will inform you about the next step!
And... No worries! It's just for fun!

Els nens i nenes de Cinquè van a participar en el concurs FONIX 2016.
És una competició divertida que pretén fomentar l'ús de la llengua anglesa en les escoles.
La prova consisteix en una sèrie d’exercicis dins dels àmbits del vocabulari, comprensió lectora i expressió escrita, plantejats de forma distesa i dins d‘un ambient de col·laboració, al llarg de tres fases:
  • FASE LOCAL: Prova a dins dels mateixos centres educatius.
  • FASE TERRITORIAL: Prova amb els representants escollits pels centres, agrupats per territoris (Barcelona, Tarragona, Lleida i Girona).  
  • FASE FINAL: Prova final absoluta amb els guanyadors de cada territori.  
Primer de tot, els nens i nenes de Cinquè faran una prova a classe. Ja us aniré informant de la propera fase! A divertir-se amb l'anglès!

Si voleu saber més sobre la prova, aquí teniu un enllaç!