Sunday, September 11, 2016

Welcome messages


It’s difficult to start again, but it’s also exciting:  meeting your mates and teachers, lots of new things to learn, new projects, Halloween around the corner, …

I hope you had great holidays. I did. I’m sending you this postcard to introduce myself and tell you about my holidays. Yes, you have a new English teacher. I’m sure we are going to learn lots of things together. 


És difícil començar de nou, però a la vegada és emocionant: retrobar-se amb els companys i les mestres, moltes coses noves per aprendres, nous projectes, Halloween ben a prop,...

Espero que hagueu tingut bones vacances. Jo si. Us envio aquesta postal per a presentar-me i explicar-vos les meves vacances. Si, teniu nova mestra d'anglès. Estic segura de que aprendrem tots junts un munt de coses noves. 

Hello children at P3, P4 and P5.

This is Mr Gorilla, the English class mascot. He’s back from holidays and is going to help you to learn English…

Hola nens i nenes de P3, P4 i P5

Aquest és en Mr Gorilla, la nova mascota de la classe d’anglès. Just torna de les vacances i us ajudarà a aprendre anglès.