This year 4th level students along with 5th level students participated in the "School to school project" with the Devaganapalli school in India. They contributed to the final dossier with information and photos about their school and town. Here you are the dossier. 

We received a wonderful album from India


Year 4 students worked really hard on their INSECT PROJECTS. They chose an insect, looked for information and created their own model or poster. After that, they performed an oral exposition in front of their classmates. What a great job!

Els nens i nenes de Quart han treballat molt dur per fer els seus projectes sobre INSECTES. Ells han triat un insecte, han buscat informació i han creat la seva pròpia maqueta o pòster . Després de tota aquesta feinada, cadascun d'ells i elles va explicar el seu projecte a la resta de companys i companyes. Bona feina!




Year 4 students made their own English experiment in order to learn more  and understand a SOLAR ECLIPSE!

Els nens i nenes de Quart van fer el seu propi experiment per tal d'aprendre més i entendre un ECLIPSI SOLAR!


Year 4 students have just finished a project about their ideal cities. They are pretty creative and they have designed fantastic posters. You can read about a city on a cloud or a volcanoe city, towns without bullying or homework, with lots of amusement parks or funny restaurants. Look at their posters! All of them are hanging on the English class walls!

Els nens i nens de Quart han fet un projecte sobre les seves ciutats ideals. Tots han estat força creatius i han dibuixat murals increíbles. Podeu llegir projectes sobre ciutats a sobre de núvols, ciutats-volcà, o algunes sense assetjament escolar o deures, amb milers de parcs d'atraccions o restaurants divertits. Mira els murals que han fet! Tots estan penjats a l'aula d'anglès!




In order to celebrate the Peace and Non Violence Day, Year 4 worked hard on a poem written by Joana Raspall entitled: If the world was written in pencil... They modified the original poem and thought about what they would erase from the world. Things such as bullying, wars, guns, bombs, poverty, even homework, came to their minds. Look at how their ideas are now decorating the english corridor!
Per celebrar el Dia de la Pau i la no violència, els nens i nenes de 4rt van treballar el poema "Si el món fos escrit en llapis", escrit per Joana Raspall. Ells i ells van modificar la versió original amb les seves pròpies idees sobre el que esborrarien, si poguessin, del món actual. Coses com l'assetjament escolar, les guerres, pistoles, bombes, pobresa, fins i tot els deures, van sorgir després d'una gran pluja d'idees. Mira com tots els seus pensaments ara decoren el passadís de la classe d'anglès!

Some of the students who participated in the corridor decoration


Here you have some photos of "One day in my life" projects. Year 4 children worked hard on them. Congratulations!!! Happy Easter holidays!
Aquí teniu fotos dels projectes "Un dia en la meva vida". Els nens i nenes de 4rt han treballat dur i han quedat molt macos! Bones vacances!

Here you have the children's easter baskets! Do you want to see their photos? Click on Easter bunny!

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